Tailored Solutions 应用

iJoomer Advance for Joomla 1.5
iJoomer Advance helps you to mobilize your Joomla based website.SPEED IS THE GAME:The iJoomer Advance is ‘JSON POWERED’. Data Parsing will beconverted into JSON from XML. How does speed come in the picture?Well JSON is 6 times faster than XML!NATIVE JOOMLA ARTICLES SUPPORT:Mobilize your Joomla articles on Android App in the same way as youhave done till now via Joomla menu! Here you use iJoomer’s Menu tocreate links to articles, categories, featured articles andmore!SOURCE CODE AT YOUR DISPOSAL:To help you and your Android developers, iJoomer Advance comes withthe Full Source Code at your fingertips. And only a developer knowswhat an asset a Source Code is!ANDROID SDK:iJoomer Advance comes as Android Software Development Kit (SDK)with all its API libraries and developer tools necessary to build,test, and debug apps which support updates and new softwareversions. Even if a new version of Joomla is released, all you needto do is update SDK! No need to re-work your design andnavigation.DOCUMENTATION:Need a hand? iJoomer Advance’s developer documentation will alwayscome in handy whenever you require reliable information for yourdata communication. You will get full API documentation wherecontent is fetched from the Joomla Server. You can add up yourcustom variables and get it accessible in response with easewithout making core hacks.MONETIZE & TRACK:It sounds too good to be true, but it is a fact! iJoomer Advancecomes with a pre – integrated ADMob and a pre-integrated GoogleAnalytics, so you can monetize and promote your mobile apps withease.…The code style for iJoomer Advance is completely mobiledeveloper friendly!NOTE: This is the demo Application to get a feel.
The Australian Dairy Listing is acomprehensive Australian dairy industry directory produced by theDairy Industry Association of Australia (DIAA). The Listing coversall aspects of post-farmgate dairy production: dairy productmanufacturers, suppliers to the industry and industry bodies. Morethan 1,500 companies in 22 categories are represented.The DIAA is a not-for-profit industry association for dairyproduct manufacturers and allied trades. The DIAA's mission is topromote excellence in the Australian dairy industry by providing aforum for communication, continuing education, professional growth,recognition and fellowship for all members, sectors and participantorganisations involved with the dairy industry.The Listing is available only to members of the DIAA in printand electronic format. To find out more about the DIAA and theListing,visit www.diaa.asn.au.
IjoomerAdvance Jomsocial3.0 1.1
iJoomer Advance helps you to mobilize yourJoomla based website.SPEED IS THE GAME:The iJoomer Advance is ‘JSON POWERED’. Data Parsing will beconverted into JSON from XML. How does speed come in the picture?Well JSON is 6 times faster than XML!NATIVE JOOMLA ARTICLES SUPPORT:Mobilize your Joomla articles on Android App in the same way as youhave done till now via Joomla menu! Here you use iJoomer’s Menu tocreate links to articles, categories, featured articles andmore!SOURCE CODE AT YOUR DISPOSAL:To help you and your Android developers, iJoomer Advance comes withthe Full Source Code at your fingertips. And only a developer knowswhat an asset a Source Code is!ANDROID SDK:iJoomer Advance comes as Android Software Development Kit (SDK)with all its API libraries and developer tools necessary to build,test, and debug apps which support updates and new softwareversions. Even if a new version of Joomla is released, all you needto do is update SDK! No need to re-work your design andnavigation.DOCUMENTATION:Need a hand? iJoomer Advance’s developer documentation will alwayscome in handy whenever you require reliable information for yourdata communication. You will get full API documentation wherecontent is fetched from the Joomla Server. You can add up yourcustom variables and get it accessible in response with easewithout making core hacks.MONETIZE & TRACK:It sounds too good to be true, but it is a fact! iJoomer Advancecomes with a pre – integrated ADMob and a pre-integrated GoogleAnalytics, so you can monetize and promote your mobile apps withease.…The code style for iJoomer Advance is completely mobiledeveloper friendly!NOTE: This is the demo Application to get a feel.
Ahmedabad VR 1.2
We cordially invite you to explore and get immersed into some ofthewell known places of Ahmedabad from anywhere in the world.TheAhmedabad VR application lets you experience theattractions,cultural heritage & historical places of Ahmedabadusing yourGyroscope enabled device and any Virtual Reality headsetssuch as,Google Cardboard, Oculus, Zeiss VR One, Samsung Gear VR,etc.Features* Virtual Tour* Immersive VR* 360 Degree View* Guided Tour with Audio CommentaryThe Ahmedabad VR application is just a beginning of a journey,wehave been diligently working to add more locations incomingversions of the application. Currently, Ahmedabad VRincludesfollowing locations which are "Must See Places ofAhmedabad".* Jama Masjid* Sidi Saiyed's Mosque* Gandhi Ashram, Sabarmati* Sarkhej RozaThe next version of the Ahmedabad VR application will belaunchedsoon with following locations.* Kankaria Lake* Mahatma Mandir* Dada Harir Vav (Stepwell)* Jhulta Minara (Shaking Minarets)* Manek Chowk* Rani No Hajiro (Tomb of Ahmed Shah’s Queens)* Hutheesing Jain Temple* Swaminarayan Temple
Iberanima 1.1
Iberanima somos una empresa de animación,realizando actividades escolares, extraescolares, culturales ylúdico-educativas en el tiempo libre.Nuestro principal objetivo no es solo divertir, sino educar en eltiempo libre, y para ello contamos con monitores cualificados, quedesarrollarán las habilidades de pequeños y mayores.Iberanima are ananimation company, doing school, extracurricular, cultural,recreational and educational activities during free time.Our main goal is to not only entertain, but to educate in leisuretime, and for this we have qualified instructors, who will developthe skills of young and old.
Shaer Alarab 1.0
• Alchaarao form of art in which language isused aesthetic qualities in addition to the obvious meaning of thetopic or instead of him. Poetry may be written independently,distinct poems, or may occur in conjunction with other arts, as inpoetic drama, hymns, poetry texts, poetry or prose.• The morally the hair taken from feeling any sense of the word,and usually tries hair suggestion or planting some sensations orfeelings in a readerApplication poet Arabs is an application cares about hair and poetsand connoisseurs of the Arab world and featuring a distinguishedgroup of poems of various kinds and various dialects, for example,classical and Aldargih hair typical, and a person can participateown poems authored or stanzas hair saves for someone or for aspecific poet, where they are Date special account, username andpassword own name, and the application is the application of socialnetworking, and by your personal page you can participate stronglyand excellence and get reviews from various poets and connoisseursand you can also hair and persons involved evaluation
Muttereralm 1.3
Sommer wie Winter das ideale Ausflugsziele vorden Toren Innsbrucks. Im gesamten Areal der Bergbahnen und Lifteist Gratis Wifi verfügbar.Im Sommer mit dem Abenteuerberg, tollen Attraktionen, Wasserlaufund Wasserrädern. Der Almenweg bietet Wanderung mit traumhaftemPanoramablick.Im Winter mit den beiden modernen 8er Gondelbahnen und demPfriemesköpfslift ist die 'Muttereralm schon seit den 50er Jahrendas ideale Familienschigebiet.Tausende haben hier ihre ersten Versuche unternommen und mit derGötzner Abfahrt (die für die Olympiade errichtet wurde) verfügt dasSchigebiet von gemäßgten Pisten bis hin zur olympischen Abfahrtüber alle Schwierigkeitsstufen.Für Geocacher die entlang des Almenweges interessante Caches findenist in der App auch Geocaching integriert.In der App integriert ist auch der 'Alpine Notruf Button' mit dembei einem Unfall schnell Hilfe geholt werden kann.Summer and winter, theideal destinations just outside Innsbruck. In the entire area of​​the cable cars and lifts free wifi is available.In summer the mountain adventure, great attractions, water skiingand water wheels. The alpine trail offers hike with spectacularpanoramic views.In winter, with the two modern 8-seater cable cars and thePfriemesköpfslift the 'Mutters is the ideal family ski area sincethe 50s.Thousands have taken their first steps here and with the Götznerdeparture (which was built for the Olympics) has gemäßgten of theski pistes or the Olympic downhill on all difficulty levels.Geocachers find the caches along the Almenweg interestingGeocaching is also integrated in the app.The app is also integrated into the 'Alpine emergency button' withthe help of an accident can be quickly retrieved.
WooLocker 1.0
WooLocker is the best way to promote yourowntalent, whatever that may beor simply view talent for fun. You can set strict privacysettingsto suitall confidence levels when showing your talent, get connectedtopeople whomatter in your talent industry, check out other talent for funtosee someamazing things or support friends, share opinions andcontent,makingfriends with similar interests and offering membersdifferentprofilesettings to suit their needs. WooLocker allows users to sharetalentandhelps people get noticed and helps managers or talent scoutsfindtalentedpeople. WooLocker allows users to create or join groups, set uporjoinevents, connect with friends while chatting online and much morebutmostimportantly connects your talent with a manager. You canalsoconnect toyour other social network accounts if you choose and followrolemodels andcelebrities that already have a profile on WooLocker.
Radio V 1.0
Radio V is your number 1 choice for today'shitmusic. Join our loyal listeners club today and start connectionwithour listeners community.V Radio is your number1choice for today's hit music. Join our loyal listeners clubtodayand start connection with our listeners community.
iJoomer Shop 1.01
Virtuemart Android Application. Now youcanorder our products directly from the application. You can viewtheproducts by category and add products to the cart forfinalpayment.
Azerbaijanli 0.1
Azerbaijan social network
VR 360 Player - Remote 1.0
Facing difficulties in changing 360°Videoswhile viewing via VR head sets?VRonCloud brings you an advanced way to view 360°/VRvideoswithout moving your device from the VR head set. The Appworks as aRemote to give demonstration of 360° videos withoutanyhurdles.How it works?Install our “Virtual Reality 360° Player (VRP)” in one ofyourdevice. And “Virtual Reality 360° Player - Remote” App intheanother device. Connect both devices with Bluetooth.Once connected, The Remote app will fetch data from thePlayer,This data will be fetched from onepredefinedfolder(“VrBluetoothVideos”) from the SD card of thedevice.All the videos placed in that folder, will then be displayed inthe“Virtual Reality 360° Player - Remote” App.Select the videos from the VRP Remote app and that video willbeplayed in the another device.
Indo nav is a indoor navigation systemusingBLE device.
iJoomer for Joomla 3.0
iJoomer converts your website toandroidapplication. You can convert any of your Joomla basedwebsite buitwith the help of components like JomSocial, Kunena,jReviews orjBolo, you can use our app and share it further to yourusers.This is the demo application only just to showcase what youwillget as an end-result.
Hochland-Seefeld 1.1
Ferien in der schönsten Lage von SeefeldinTirol! im Hotel Residenz Hochland in Seefeld.Willkommen in einem Haus der gehobenen 4-Sterne Kategorie inSeefeldin Tirol.In einzigartiger Lage mit BLick auf Seefeld, und doch nur5Gehminuten vom Ortszentrum gelegen ist BehaglichkeitundGastfreundschaft direkt spürbar - überall.Echte Tiroler Handwerkskunst und Eleganz steht im Einklangmitmodernem Komfort und unter persönlicher Führung derFamilieSeelosSommer wie Winter ein Urlaubs- und Reiseziel, ein GolfGründerhotelinmitten der Olympiaregion Seefeld, bekannt durchbisher dreimaligeOlympische Winterspiele.Das Team des Hotel Hochland freut sich auf Ihren Besuch.Holiday in themostbeautiful location of Seefeld in Tyrol! Hotel Residenz HochlandinSeefeld.Welcome in a house of the upper 4-star category in SeefeldinTirol.In a unique location overlooking Seefeld, yet only 5 minuteswalkfrom the center comfort and hospitality is felt directly-everywhere.Genuine Tyrolean craftsmanship and elegance is consistentwithmodern comforts and personal leadership of the SeelosfamilySummer and winter vacation and destination, a founding golf hotelinthe middle of the Olympic region of Seefeld, famous forpreviouslytriple Olympic Winter Games.The team at the Hotel Highland is looking forward toyourvisit.
Swachhata Soldires 1.0
Swachhata Soldiers competition hasbeendesigned to educate the students. The aim is to contribute abit inthe greater vision of Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan. The purpose ofthiscampaign is to make young crowd more conscious abouttheenvironmental responsibilities towards the surrounding andnurturethe nature to make our campus, city and entire countryGreen, Cleanand hygiene.Swachhata Soldiers allow user to get registered, to avoidfakeusers the app has the ability to authenticate the user based ontheOne Time Password received in their phone. The user will seethelist of tasks related to “Cleaning, Planting and Organizing”atvarious locations on the map screen, each user can claim thetaskand start working on it. One user can work on a single task atagiven time and one task can be claimed only by a single User.Atthe completion of each task user will get credit points, at theendof event the top 3 users with highest points will getrewards.So, lets get together and make the world a better place.